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On this page, you may learn a little history about the town of Sturbridge, view discounts and promotions we offer in conjunction with other area businesses, and view maps and publications which alert you to the places to eat, stay, and things to do in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. Please contact us if you need additional information.
1892 O.H. Bailey & Co. Map of Sturbridge and Fiskdale, Boston Public Library
A Brief History of Sturbridge, Massachusetts
In 1729, 42 residents from the area of Medfield, Massachusetts were granted a petition to settle “Dumer,” an area of uncleared land named after Lieutenant Governor Dumer. The name Dumer quickly gave way to that of “New Medfield” as the town was populated. The settlers of the town found the winters so difficult that it is said that they retreated to their original towns each fall before returning again to the new settlement in the spring.
Brothers Daniel and Henry Fiske were among those first settlers. They pitched a tent near the top of a hill and began to clear their land. To this day, the hill continues to bear the name “Fiske Hill.”
The town was incorporated on 24 June 1738 as “Sturbridge,” named after Stourbridge, England. The central village of Sturbridge was built in the fertile area between two hills- one being Fiske Hill. The settlers had worked hard to meet the conditions for incorporation; that 50 families each had at least an 18 square foot house.
Looking to save money? Take advantage of the promotions we offer in conjunction with local businesses.
Are you interested in staying overnight in Sturbridge? Customers of the Comfort Inn receive 10% off their Escape the Pike ticket price by entering the code “COMFORT INN” when booking.
Looking for places to visit, eat, stay, or things to do in Sturbridge?
Browse this guide published by the Sturbridge Tourist Association:
Check out our map:
We are a member of our local Chamber of Commerce. You can visit the website they maintain regarding the businesses of Sturbridge and surrounding towns at: